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Super Bowl Champs Suffer Blow as Milton Williams Joins Patriots from Eagles

March 10, 2025
Philthy In Philly

The Philadelphia Eagles are facing a major challenge as they prepare to defend their championship title. The team is losing a critical member of their defense, leaving a void that will be difficult to fill.

Eagles defensive tackle Milton Williams is close to finalizing a contract with the New England Patriots. Reports indicate the deal will pay him over $26 million annually. The original reports had Williams heading to the Carolina Panthers. The Arizona Cardinals and Minnesota Vikings were also in play for what may have been a bidding war.

The Eagles were never going to resign Williams as cap restraints continue. He will be paid as a high upside guy and a starter for the Patriots. The Eagles just can't afford that type of paycheck as a rotational player. To be honest I would've tried everything to move Jordan Davis and made an attempt at Williams. The team will probably give Jordan Davis way more snaps and one last shot.